The Now Moment

The now moment is where we experience, savor and create.

Ultimately we come from the same cosmic source — Love.  When we remember ourselves as part of Source energy, a new world view — wider than we had heretofore imagined — becomes available.  In the energy of now, it becomes increasingly easy to see the difference between where we have been and what is possible.

In the higher vibrational frequency way of being, we are remembering who we are — Love, Delight, Joy.

Our self expression — radiating Love, Delight, Joy outward — is the best way to influence our world, for we are in harmony with expansive and creative life-affirming energies.

two red roses

Our individual futures will spring forth from our choices in the now moments that precede them.

The past had our attention in the past.  Although the "multilayered now" contains past-present-future, it is the now moment where everything is taking place.

To be fully available for the now moment, uncluttered and undistracted, is to be fully aware within the rich opportunity to enjoy and to savor the now.

We enter the now moment, fully present, by creating space for it.  We create space by releasing emotional baggage and mental clutter.  We may ask ourselves: Is that which is inside our heads "ours"?  Or is it impressions and concepts we have been taught by, or gleaned from, others?  Is it the consistent distraction by a culture that insists on dominating our attention?

Recognizing that which is filling the space which is rightfully ours, we can willfully reclaim our space within which to be fully present in our own moments.  Within the space we create, we can now discover the magic available in each moment.  Like a child filled with enthusiasm and wonder, we can discover — with fun and amusement — that which we may have forgotten.

Bees know where to find the nectar in every flower. In a very real sense, each moment is a new flower blossoming on its stem. Like the bees we can choose to be present with each flower, as we move from one to another — endlessly enjoying!

The Now Moment