New Earth, New Possibility by Tritia Hamilton PDF book cover

What is the simplest way to understand the truth? It’s all about magnetic resonant fluctuations. Theoretical understanding is insufficient. Feeling perception is required to appreciate the effects of magnetism on the human body. Choice is implicit and will cause the desired result. How willfully grounded you are — magnetically — in your body, and thus how you interpret energy movement, determines how you will experience these golden waves of change.

sun in blue sky with white clouds

The higher vibrational frequency energies from the Sun and stars continue to sweep our planet like a warm breeze — wave upon wave arriving at the shoreline of our consciousness.

Science assures us that the energy is expected to grow for some time, as Earth moves through the center of our galaxy. How is this increased cosmic energy affecting Earth and we who live upon this planet? Theories and belief systems abound regarding the potential effects.

Note: New Earth, New Possibility has been re-formatted for this website. As with the iBook format created five years ago, there are fifteen Chapters which include all of the same blogs (49) and MiniBlogs (100) — and the accompanying images.

From May of 2012 until the Winter Solstice of 2017, I posted on my website an ongoing blog about this energy dance and the potential of our joyful participation with it. As soon as that blog was completed, a friend suggested, “You should publish all of it as an iBook.” This idea surprised me. Here is the result.