

StarWheel 103 Dawn Corona visionary neo-mandala painting by Aya

Within three weeks of Recalibration entering my awareness, I was introduced to a StarWheel painting.  StarWheel 096, “Cosmo Teepee,” was then being completed by visionary artist Aya who had been painting the StarWheel Neo-Mandalas since 1985 (averaging one painting every 2 months).

flowers-filled field with wide rows of each color
StarWheel 096 Cosmo Teepee visionary neo-mandala painting by Aya

The idea of Recalibration was introduced to me in the Spring of 2001 within the flow of inspiration for the narrative of The Goddess and the Rainbow Bridge:

And what is the Rainbow Bridge?

Also from the Glossary in Golden Pebbles (© 2011):

Rainbow, Rainbow Bridge — The significance of the Rainbow is multi-layered.  Here we provide a most basic sketch.  You yourselves are comprised of rainbow colors (emanating from your chakras) in varying degrees of balanced wholeness.  You may choose to consciously integrate awareness of the rainbow spectrum of color, and intentionally bring greater balance to your own rainbow light.  Choosing to balance the rainbow spectrum within yourself, you may then attune to the rainbow bridge.  The rainbow bridge provides a bridging of awareness from the finite to infinite possibility.

Incrementally, over years, I have learned experientially that the StarWheel paintings can be significant contributors to our Recalibration. This occurs in an unusual way.

They communicate with us in a multi-layered language of color and shapes, including Sacred Geometry. Consistently imbued with symmetry, they emit balance and order. Speaking to us beyond cultural context or observable time-frames, they can speak to everyone who is receptive. In our highly visual global culture they offer an other-dimensional experience — beyond time and place.

Goddess Crystal hears the question we ask silently.  "When do we enter the rainbow bridge?”

She smiles. "As soon as the recalibration is complete.  Look around you.”

We look around us inside the crystalline dome and we realize we are sitting within beams of every color of the rainbow.

Goddess Crystal smiles at us and says, “Balancing.”  Then she adds, "Harmonizing.  Soon we will differentiate among the colors.”

Recalibration is now constantly ongoing on Earth

And what is Recalibration?

As higher vibrational frequency energies from the Sun and stars continue to increase, and Earth’s magnetic field weakens, these new energy waves are having two primary effects. Higher vibrational frequency energy is being anchored on Earth, and within Earth. We are feeling these effects: The New Consciousness expands in influence — bringing forth powerfully beneficial change. Concurrently, that which is not harmonious with the higher vibrational frequency energy increasingly dissolves or is reconfigured..

From the Glossary in Golden Pebbles: Celebrating the New Earth (© 2011):

New Consciousness — A higher frequency of consciousness wherein one has moved beyond limiting concepts of the self into alignment with the Higher Self and the wisdom of one’s Soul.  In this New Consciousness a wide view is consistently available.  One may see and experience outside of time and across “distance”. Indeed, in the wide view there is no distance.

Amid the energy waves of change, Mother Nature is our powerful ally if we attune carefully and pay attention to what is being shown to us.

It is also beneficial to place our feet directly on the Earth in an intentional way — for grounding the powerful energy with which we are constantly being inundated. Quite literally our brains are being re-wired, and our physicality is readjusted according to our vibrational quality, and our emotional processes are being reconfigured.

It is our observation that very few people intentionally create a grounded connection with Earth.

StarWheel 103 — Dawn Corona — by Aya. Used with permission.

Nature and Recalibration

Tritia Hamilton & StarWheel 096 Cosmo Teepee visionary neo-mandala painting by Aya

StarWheel 96 — Cosmo Teepee

SW 96 and Tritia. Image by Aya.