Audio & Video:


Audio and Video — Introduction

Sound and Light precede form.

We perceive sound within a frequency range which is a small portion of the auditory scale.

So too, we see only a portion of the full light spectrum, commonly referred to as visible.

The sensitivity range of perceptions — sound and light — is highly variable within individuals and cultures.

We are influenced by both the sounds and visual impressions we take in — either directly or subconsciously.

early morning, secluded Maine shoreline at Quoddy Head

When we choose to maximize well being, and feelings of harmony and balance and peace, we make intentional choices about what we are willing to allow as influence — both sound (noise) and light (visual impressions).

Many individuals feel they are adapted to a need for background noise.  What has occurred to create this impression is that the culturally produced subsonic vibration of their internal organs has become confused with healthy sensation.  In the absence of this external vibrational stimulation, the wear and tear on their nervous system insulation becomes obvious.  This expresses itself as discomfort, or unaccustomed electrical conductivity, within their nervous system.  Thus, without the noise, they do not feel at ease.

We live in a culture in which this pattern has become widespread, even among the very young who now grow up amid devices which are constantly emitting nervous system stimulation on both auditory and visible frequency levels.

The frequencies we receive convey information which results in impressions and absorbed vibrations.  Expanded levels of perception increase available information contained in the sound signal.  Nature provides some surprising examples. Birds have raised the frequency of their calls so they can communicate with one another over the increasingly artificial background noise.  If the sound of crickets is slowed, we can perceive the harmonic subsets as musical sound — a startlingly beautiful chorus. As with the birds, outer directed noise, though providing information, actually blocks our perceptual fields.  It is literally numbing.  Telepathy is extinguished by ignoring feelings, in favor of subsonic background agitation.

People who have become accustomed to the vibrational agitation of subsonic noise do not feel the finer nuances of higher perception which require observation from a point of stillness, calm and inner quiet.

There is a solution.

The nervous system is soothed by natural sound, and fractal rather than linear visual fields — straight lines in nature are at a minimum and curves abound.

Like the birds, even in a noisy world we have choice.  We can learn to harmonize, to stay calibrated to our preferred point of perception.

The greater our feeling awareness, the greater the benefit we receive through our absorption of natural sound and light.

As has been indicated in prose, poetry and music for centuries, we are renewed by nature's early morning sounds and the light of sunrise.

One of the things that we ingest, sound-wise, is what we hear ourselves say.  Our words, and the tones with which we express them, have the power to condition our reality.  They either limit or expand our fields of perception, feelings and experience. Thus we both influence, and are influenced by, what we transmit.

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Harmonizing with sunrise, the sun's path, and nature's eloquence has been with me — quietly — since early childhood.  In 2003, facing the sun at sunrise became a celebration which included drumming and singing at sunrise — Songs of Intention and Celebration.

More recently, experiencing sunrise with my camera — instead of my drum — I began to notice that an ongoing theme, which began with the writing of Journey Through an Open Door, could be expressed in video. With the new emphasis on the visual, MiniVideos, I also began to return to the verbal — narrating some of the videos.

Narration has returned my focus to the magic of The Goddess and the Rainbow Bridge, a narrative which I wrote and recorded in 2001.  The Goddess and the Rainbow Bridge insists — as though a magical journey can insist — on having its own pages on this website.

As expressions through Sound and Light, both the MiniVideos and the audio tracks introduced here are shared with a specific intention:

Quiet Time — Widening the Pathway into the New Earth, the New Garden Earth

Note: The audio tracks are not available on an archived page. However, all the videos are included.