An Evolving Focus

An Evolving Focus

The Songs of Intention and Celebration began to arrive in August of 2002.  It was a year later, in October of 2003, when I began practicing the heartbeat drumming style. Much to my delight, I discovered that the melodic new songs I had begun to hear — inside my head — were well adapted to this rhythm.

As the songs developed, I began drumming and singing at sunrise each day — Songs of Intention and Celebration.  This sunrise drumming celebration practice continued, with each new dawn, for eight years — overlapping the publishing of the updated edition of Journey Through an Open Door in 2010.

During 2010 I wrote Golden Pebbles: Celebrating the New Earth.  Early in 2011, with the publishing of Golden Pebbles — the story behind the Songs of Intention and Celebration — my focus shifted once again.


Tritia Hamilton singing and drumming at sunrise, secluded Maine shoreline

An evolving focus began during the holiday season of 1990 when, during the last day of December, I called in a "spirit guide".  During the next six months, amid the busyness and preoccupations of my outer world schedule, I began to understand, experientially, the nature of alignment with guidance — the balancing between the available inner knowingness and one's outer expression, one's participation in all areas of "ordinary reality”.

In June of 1991, the writing of Journey Through an Open Door was "suggested" as a collaborative project.  Mostly written between June of 1992 and August of 1995, the first edition of Journey was completed in September of 1999.

Nine months later, in June of 2000, The Goddess and the Rainbow Bridge was "suggested" as the next project.

In the Autumn of that same year. I was first introduced to a heartbeat Native American drumming style which would, eventually, lead me toward the writing of the Songs of Intention and Celebration following two winters in Sedona, Arizona and my return to the Maine coast.

The writing and recording of The Goddess and the Rainbow Bridge — in Sedona, in the spring of 2001 — overlapped the publishing process for Journey Through an Open Door.

Twelve of the Songs of Intention and Celebration were recorded as a CD, and an experiment: How would the songs, so alive when drumming at sunrise, translate into recorded format?

For fifty weeks, beginning in mid-March of 2011, I produced the weekly Golden Pebbles Podcast.

In February of 2012, when the podcast was completed, it was time for a new website — an umbrella under which I could place all the “collaborative" writing-related projects.

My "Facing the Sun" website was introduced on May 1st of 2012 — 11 years after The Goddess and the Rainbow Bridge first landed into form as a CD. With the introduction of the (then new) website, I began a weekly blog — rather curious how the weekly writing would evolve.

As Summer approached in 2013, I began the first phase of a video editing learning curve.  MiniVideos seemed a possible compliment to my "collaborative" writing — in this increasingly visually-oriented world.

During 2014, the MiniVideos began to emerge side by side with the MiniBlogs.

The completion of the first "Quiet Time" video, on December 1st (2014) corresponded with the beginning of this new website, and a new focus: