Vision into Form

Vision into Form

I now see more fully that unless we express a vision — of whatever scope — it cannot come into form.  Instead, a default perpetuates itself — a lower vibrational limited point of view.  To move beyond limiting concepts we first create space, within ourselves, to do so.  This has been the collective process on Earth — creating space to move beyond the density of absence of Light.

The difference between fantasizing and actualizing is at once both huge and quite minute.  Actualizing requires permission within oneself, and space in which to create "solidly" what is desired.  Fantasizing does not; it exists outside of actualization though it can be a precursor to vision-into-form.

Our hearts recognize that which beckons!

Possibility is constantly expressing.

It is effectively fueled by the heart-felt choices one makes.

two white hibiscus flowers

Beckoning is a beautiful word.  A vision has been beckoning to the hearts of humanity for thousands of years - countless millennia, and countless lifetimes.  That beckoning has come from a place of wholeness, Oneness, and has been carried on the wings of Source energy — Light — into Earth's energy field, far longer than earthplane time is counted.

If we stand outside of linear time, in the Now moment, we see all of history dancing before us into this place — Now — where we are poised to receive the gift of a new "form". This new "form" is a new way of being, a new way of expressing, within Earth experience.  This is the arrival — the vision-into-form — that has been beckoning to us. When that which has obscured our vision has been melted away — through the radiance of the increase in the speed of light — we feel this vision and its power.  It is pulsing in our veins, carried to us within every breath.  It is stirring every particle of our being into awakening into the fullness of Wonder, Delight, Joy.  We begin to have a glimpse of a vast plan — not random — in which we have been walking without a road map.  Only the internal GPS — our heart-directed/soul-inspired guidance system — now brings us into this new "form" of participation on Earth.

When singing at sunrise each morning for about eight years, it did not occur to me that the Songs of Intention and Celebration which had been inspired were expressing succinctly vision-into-form. I knew the songs were, collectively, a beckoning.  At the time it all seemed intangible.

Daydreaming about our utopia, our heaven-on-earth, is not the same as making it real. It is only a shift inside ourselves that allows us to see the pathway to the fulfillment of our heart/soul longing.

In this magical Now — where we are poised — a vast and long-held vision is now rooting into form.  That which has beckoned to us — in our individual and collective journey on Earth — takes form.  This is the awakening, the shift in consciousness. Every day, more individuals are awakening into this new dawn, nudged by the energy waves of the increasing speed of light.

Within the broadly scoped vision-into-form, we each — when awakened — discover our own part, and it is unique to us.  We discover that wondrous new possibilities beckon.  Our pathway then opens clearly — step by perfect step.