
Within the energy of now, there are four points of balance to understand and to refine:
feminine-masculine, inner-outer, heart-mind, content-form.

When content inspires form, however, there is a dynamic relationship — a dance — between content and form, a vitality wherein form shifts and moves to accommodate the energy of the content.  The form serves the content.  Flexibility and inspired co-creation are inherent in this dance.

Nature shows us few straight lines.  Instead, roundedness and swirls and spiraling and fractal patterns are everywhere around us.  A dance of energy is "solidified" into these non-linear patterns.  Although they may appear straight, tree and flower stems actually twist and turn while reaching for the sun's light.  This gives them great strength and flexibility to move with the wind.  Similarly, where content inspires form, these structures — and relationships — can move flexibly within the winds of change.

Imbued with the energy of now — higher vibrational frequencies, and the corresponding new levels of awareness as dormant parts of our brain now activate — we discover our own blossoming beyond limitation.  We enter into a vibrant new energy dance, with new points of balance.  This balance serves us as we interact with an accelerating pace of change within the energy of now.

red rose


When we accept within ourselves those traits which have formerly been characterized as "feminine" or "masculine", we are then more fully in touch with our own wholeness. This harmonizing, within ourselves, influences our relating with “other". Our inner perspective and balance attracts to us others who, in their way of being, recognize and respond to this vibrational quality.


As our bodies began to manifest physically, we were inundated with impressions and preferences — both emotional and hereditary biochemical affinities. From infant-hood, we were then further overwhelmed with suggestions and directions — either directly or implicitly.

Amid all this experiential accumulation, which began early on and has continued, clarity must come from within ourselves.  To access this clarity, and to become inner-directed, is to discover that we do have choice.


Inner direction and heart direction are closely related. Both are connected to our soul's knowing, our inner wisdom. Heart /inner direction is feeling-based intuition.  Here we can perceive in clarity.  When we have clarity, our minds serve our heart/soul knowing.  Our outer world experience then aligns with our inner clarity.

For our world to change, we begin by changing ourselves, within ourselves.  It is a non-reactive process, a beckoning toward the "new", toward ourselves — remembering that which we may have forgotten.  When we understand where we ourselves have been and/or are "coming from” — inner direction or outer direction — we can find our point of balance.

Once we become sharply aware of the differences and contrasts, and how this affects every moment of our day — the constant now — we can adjust our point of reference. In so doing, we allow and implicitly direct our outer world experience to conform to our inner/heart-directed preferences.  Our new outer precedes from the inner. The default way of being on Earth — for millennia — has been "outer-directed" and "mind-directed". Within the energy of now, this is being reversed.


When we carefully observe the relationship between form and content — and how we ourselves participate — we gain insight about another point of balance which is shifting within the energy of now.

Within the old constructs from which we are now emerging, structures were established into which the content was expected to accommodate itself.  We ourselves — as "content", who arrived as multifaceted beings — have been culturally constrained to fit into the limiting parameters.  We, with our innate abilities have been directed, either subtly or more blatantly, into the structures which required our participation in order to preserve themselves.  (Thus, form influencing content is another type of "outer direction”.)

In the energy of now, we are recognizing that these structures are no longer viable. With little flow or movement they invite stagnation.  This is observable within both institutions and relationships — where form influences content.